Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals

Midnight Pals

Each week, a group of storytellers gathers around a campfire. There's world-weary MC Edgar Allan Poe, nerd dad Stephen King, violent goth Mary Shelley, squid-obsessed wimp HP Lovecraft, and others. A comedy-horror semi-anthology.


Comedy, Horror, fanfiction


Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals is a full-cast, comedy-horror, anthology audio drama podcast. The show is focused on meetings of the ‘Midnight Society’, which consists of (versions of) famous horror authors, living and dead, who meet around a campfire in the woods to tell (versions of) their stories, in a parody of a certain 1990s teen anthology show. The main characters are Stephen (King), Edgar (Allan Poe), Dean (Koontz), Clive (Barker), Mary (Shelley) and Howard (HP Lovecraft), and other authors often show up. It is deliberately ambiguous whether these characters are the ‘real’ authors or alternate-universe teen versions of them, and the campfire does not exist in any definite location or time period. Episodes typically consist of a dramatized parody version of a classic horror story, narrated by its author and interrupted by the bickering of the various Midnight Society members, although some episodes follow the personal lives of the Pals themselves, or get metafictional with the characters jumping in and out of the story-worlds.

Note: The real authors are not involved in the show. These are parody characters played by actors.

How to raid: 

  1. Listen to the featured show. Short on time? Follow and review later!

  2. Leave your fair and honest review.

  3. Give the creator a follow and a shout on social media using #ADRAID wherever you are

Content warnings

Sexual content
Blood and/or gore
Death and/or dying
Homophobia and/or Transphobia
Animal cruelty
Mental Illness
Substance abuse
Misogyny and/or sexism

Note that content warnings vary widely by episode; they are given in the show notes for individual episodes.


Audio Drama Raid

Raid and review audio dramas

The Thief


Twigs and Hearts